Responsibility and sustainability
Lujatalo Oy takes high pride in meeting the customer’s expectations for responsibility and sustainability. Our operations and decision-making respects conservation of the environment and the survival of our planet for future generations.
Securing the future and ensuring the continuity of our company are of upmost importance. We avoid risk-taking and do not make any compromises related to occupational health and safety. Throughout all Luja activities we strive to achieve sustainable development and ensure that our operations are responsible, safe, and of high quality.
We cherish Luja Company Values, which have become embedded in our culture over time in such a way, that together with our Code of Ethics the Values give guidance to our actions, dealings and decision-making. Our Values and Code of Ethics are intended to be implemented and carried out at all levels of the organization.
The customer is the key to our business and its continuity, so we aim at meeting the customer’s needs and creating value added in order to achieve high customer satisfaction. We deliver high quality services and products and meet the customer’s expectations for responsibility and sustainability. We nurture our relations and seek to build long-term partnerships. The best overall customer experience is delivered when everyone does their best in their own work and feels responsible for contributing to customer satisfaction.
We are committed to promoting selected UN 2030 Agenda sustainable development goals..

We are also a FIBS Pro member. We want to be involved in accelerating sustainable business in Finnish society.

Sustainable Cities and Communitities
We aim at developing high-quality, healthy, safe and sustainable building infrastructure. We promote and develop ways of renovation and re-use, and participate in the competitive tendering of public projects. We calculate and attempt to reduce the carbon footprint of our operations and products and constantly look for ecological and renewable building materials and energy sources. Sustainable urban construction also includes participating in PPP projects, in which we take responsibility for the design, construction and maintenance of the property and technical building services for the customer up to couple of decades.
Responsible consumption and production
Our aim is to build homes where everyone has opportunities to reduce their own carbon footprint and live in an eco-friendly way. The most important aspects related to these are energy efficiency, reducing the carbon footprint of the construction process, and creating the framework for a sustainable life style.

Customer value added
We conduct our business in a way that promotes continuity, partnering and innovative solutions. We develop our products and services in close cooperation with our customers, for example, using the Lujariihi workshop model. Lujatalo is a trustworthy and reliable business partner. Our customers can count on seamless cooperation and delivery of high quality services and products that meet their expectations.

Inclusive and sustainable economic growth
We engage in open and fair competition and do not act in any way that is unlawful or anti-competitive. We treat our partners and suppliers with respect and honesty. We also expect them to meet the same standards that we set for ourselves, especially in terms of occupational health and safety and compliance with legal obligations. We promote learning and education by providing various trainee opportunities. We donate to selected Finnish organizations working with children and youth.

Health and well-being
A safe and healthy working environment is of utmost importance to us. At the workplace, we do not take occupational health or safety risks on our own or others’ behalf. We acknowledge the role that proper working methods, conditions, and tools play in accident prevention. We care equally for others’ safety and health as we do for our own. We value the contribution of every Luja employee and believe that collaboration is the key to success. We take pride in high quality supervision and teamwork within Luja, and when interacting with our customers and partners. We have a sense of responsibility for each other and our work community. We cherish equality, justice, and trust, and do not tolerate any form of discrimination.
Carbon neutrality and conservation of natural resources
We engage in the protection of the environment, conservation, and sustainability in our decision-making. We strive to make our products and processes ecologically sustainable and conserve natural resources in our operations.
Circular economy is of strategic importance to us. We aim to reduce mixed waste at our construction sites by 50%. This is achieved by maximising sorting, which in turn boosts recycling of materials.
We are committed to these selected UN 2030 Agenda goals

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Responsible Consumption and Production

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Good Health and Well-being